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  • Bisys Group Inc. SEC Reporting Violations Settlement
    Roseland, NJ: (May-23-07) The Securities and Exchange Commission filed charges against Bisys Group Inc., a financial services provider, alleging that the company violated financial reporting rules in a way that inflated earnings by some $180 million over three years. In a settlement reached, Bisys Group agreed to pay $25 million in restitution to set...
  • Wood River Capital Management Securities Rights Registration Settlement
    San Jose, CA: (May-23-07) Endwave Corporation, a manufacturer of RF modules that enable the transmission, reception and processing of high-frequency signals in telecommunications networks, defense electronics and homeland security systems, filed suit against Wood River Capital Management and its affiliates over registration rights. In a settlement re...
  • Se vincula a Cymbalta con defectos cardíacos cóngenitos y HPPR
    Cymbalta (duloxetina) se encuentra dentro del grupo de drogas conocidas como ISRSN (inhibidores selectivos de la recaptación de serotonina/norepinefrina, similares a los ISRS) y es un antidepresivo utilizado en el tratamiento de la depresión y la ansiedad. Se ha vinculado a los ISRS con graves efectos secundarios, entre los que se incluyen d...
  • Jon. S. Corzine Divorce Settlement
    New York, NY: (May-23-07) Union president, Carla Katz, filed a lawsuit against New York Governor Jon. S. Corzine, following their break up after a stormy romantic affiliation. Katz was warned by her union colleagues not to contact the governor away from the bargaining table for fear their history posed a conflict of interest. Sources claim that Katz presse...
  • Tri-S Security Corp. Selling Shareholders Settlement
    Atlanta, GA: (May-22-07) The former selling shareholders of Paragon Systems, Inc. filed charges against Tri-S Security Corp., a provider of security services and equipment for government and private entities. In a settlement reached, Tri-S paid $50,000 to the selling shareholders and will issue 35,000 shares of Tri-S common stock to shareholders no later t...
  • Software Pirate Intellectual Property Fine
    Los Angeles, CA: (May-22-07) The Software&Information Industry Association (SIIA) trade group filed suit against a software pirate who sold illegal copies of Symantec Corp. software on the online auction site eBay Inc. In the lawsuit, the SIIA charged the defendant with infringing on Symantec's copyrights and trademarks in such titles as Norton Partition...
  • University of California Custodians' Wage Settlement
    Oakland, CA: (May-22-07) Following a lawsuit filed against the University of California, Berkeley campus, UC and union officials announced a contract settlement that raised the salaries of custodians. The settlement came after 18 months of bargaining that included boycotts of the University of California, Berkeley campus by speakers including actor Danny G...
  • Walworth County, WI Documentary Filmaker Personal Injury Settlement
    Walworth County, WI: (May-22-07) Suzanne Shell of El Paso County, CO, an independent journalist, filed charges against the county claiming that two deputies violated her civil rights and injured her during an arrest in the courthouse in 2003. The lawsuit filed in June 2005, alleged that Shell had permission to shoot film in the courthouse for a documentary...
  • Baltimore, MD Juvenile Detention Center Updates Settlement
    Baltimore, MD: (May-22-07) The Justice Department brought charges against the Baltimore City Juvenile Justice Center after federal investigators discovered staffing shortages and inadequate behavior management plans at the juvenile detention center. The DOJ claimed that investigators found the detention center, which opened in 2003, was being run in an u...
  • Wausau School District Coach Student Abuse Settlement
    Wausau, WI: (May-22-07) The family of a girl who was sexually assaulted by her Wausau West girls basketball coach, filed suit against the Wausau School District, alleging that school administrators and former principal at Wausau West had acted negligently and done nothing concrete to prevent the assaults. School officials failed to prevent Mitch King, who...
  • Google: Out-of-court settlement in $17.5 million copyright infringement lawsuit.
    New York, NY: (May-21-07) Internet search engine Google is understood to have reached deals with several large UK news groups over carrying their content on Google News. Google is maintaining a high degree of confidentiality regarding its settlements for fear that it will end up having to pay for similar licenses with all of the 4500 news services it car...
  • San Bernardino County, CA: Wrongful termination and defamation suit ends in $300,000 settlement.
    San Bernardino County, CA: (May-21-07) Grover Merritt, a candidate in the 2006 district attorney elections, filed suit against the city, alleging that he was fired from his job so he would not challenge San Bernardino County District Attorney Michael Ramos. Merritt accused Assistant District Attorney Michael Risley of leaking secret documents to the press...
  • Bonneville Power Administration: Electricity rates to increase as $28 million dollar residential exchange credit suspended.
    Salem, OR: (May-21-07) The Bonneville Power Administration agreed to suspend the residential exchange credit it extended to its customers as a result of a long standing legal dispute. The credit meant a $28 million dollar monthly savings for customers by passing the benefits of low-cost federal hydroelectric system onto residential and small-farm customers...
  • James D. Dondero: $250,000 fine in hedge fund antitrust laws violation lawsuit.
    Dallas, TX: (May-21-07) The US Justice Department filed charges against James D. Dondero, a Dallas-based hedge fund manager, alleging that he violated antitrust laws by failing to notify regulators when his stake in a company hit $94 million. In February 2005, James D. Dondero exercised 10,000 options in shares of Motient Corp., a wireless communications...
  • BFI Waste Systems $150,000 payout in superfund clean up initiative.
    Tabernacle, GA: (May-21-07) The Department of Environmental Protection filed suit against ACR Inc. of South Jersey in Mount Laurel and US Steel Corp. in Pittsburgh in 2004, in an attempt to recover cleanup costs and damages incurred by the state and to compensate township residents for damage to their natural resources. The suit claimed that ACR Inc. US St...
  • Mellon Bank: $18 million payout in federal tax returns malpractice suit.
    Pittsburgh, PA: (May-21-07) An investigation carried out by the US Attorney General Mary Beth Buchanan's office into the tax returns of Mellon Bank resulted in a settlement of more than $18 million to be paid to the federal government. The investigation stemmed from the destruction of thousands of federal tax returns. Mellon Bank agreed to cooperate with a...
  • $25,000 settlement in mistaken identity civil lawsuit.
    McKinney City, TX: (May-21-07) Christi Dawn Hernandez of Princeton filed a civil lawsuit against the City, after she was wrongfully arrested in January 2006 for a crime she didn't commit. A Collin County grand jury originally indicted Christi Dawn Hernandez, 35, on Sept. 5, 2006, on a state jail felony charge of delivery of a controlled substance. Sherif...
  • Settlement: Kinder Morgan Energy Partners, L.P.
    Houston, TX: (May-21-07) The United States Environmental Protection Agency, Department of the Interior, Department of Justice and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, as well as the State of California Department of Fish and Game, Office of Spill Prevention and Response, and the San Francisco Bay and Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control...
  • Universal Express: $50 million from auction to be distributed among various charities.
    Boca Raton, FL: (May-21-07) Pop star Michael Jackson filed charges against Universal Express over the auction of Jackson family memorabilia, scheduled for May 30-31 2007, in Las Vegas. The suit aimed at stopping the auction, which includes costumes, gold records and personal items from his career. Universal Express had announced a week before the settlem...
  • $40 million settlement ends decade long antitrust lawsuits.
    Washington, DC: (May-21-07) Over a decade of antitrust lawsuits against office supply giant 3M ended with a federal judge granting final approval to a class action settlement worth nearly $40 million and awarded more than $14.5 million in fees and expenses to the plaintiffs lawyers. The suit against 3M, brought by direct purchasers and retailers claimed...
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