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  • Government of Libya Pan Am Bankruptcy Settlement
    On December 21, 1988 Pan Am Flight 103 was bombed and destroyed by Libyan terrorists over Lockerbie, Scotland. In the aftermath of the bombing, international air traffic declined; Pan Am filed for bankruptcy relief and the airline ceased operations in December 1991. The Government of Libya has agreed to pay a $30 million settlement to Pan Am's administr...
  • Yeager Construction Zone accident Settlement
    In May 2004, Kimberly Hamilton and Rebecca Carey were driving through a construction zone when their car was accidentally run over by a large earth mover. The two teenagers were trapped in the vehicle for hours while rescuers pried them out of the mangled car. Carey suffered a fractured pelvis, burns and other broken bones and was awarded a $1.6 million...
  • Tuolumne County Gold Mine Cleanup Settlement
    The Jamestown mine shut down in 1994 and the county has agreed to pay the State of California a $6 million settlement to be released from all responsibilities regarding reclamation, or cleanup, of the former gold mine. The California Regional Water Quality Control Board will use the money from the settlement to pay for cleanup efforts at the mine. (Apr-...
  • CSX Transportation Ground Water Contamination Settlement
    CSX Transportation The Florida based company has agreed to pay Milford residents a $1 million settlement for allegedly leaking chemicals into neighborhood ground water. The ten Michigan families are disappointed with the settlement as their homes have become practically worthless. (Apr-17-05) [ DETROIT NEWS ] [ LAWYER WEB SITE ] Legal Help...
  • City of Fargo North Dakota State University Flood Damage Settlement
    North Dakota State University sued the city after a storm flooded the Fargodome. The campus suffered heavy damage when rainfall runoff got into the dome and flowed through a steam tunnel that connects the dome to the university. Fargo's City Commission has approved a $2 million settlement. (Aug-15-06) [ WCCO NEWS ] Legal Help If you have a...
  • Barton County Community College Wrongful Termination Settlement
    For three years Jennifer Schartz was a non-tenured, part-time instructor and adviser to the student newspaper. In April 2004, despite recommendations from her supervisors and President Veldon Law, the school's trustees voted against renewing her contract. Schartz filed a wrongful termination lawsuit against the college claiming she was dismissed in reta...
  • Wilson Borough Police Department Officer Brutality Settlement
    On August 23, 2003 Brian Johnson was allegedly attacked and beaten by part-time police officer Gurshinder Martharu at Wilson Borough police headquarters. Johnson went to police headquarters with his sister to pick up his girlfriend, Kendyll Mimlitch, who had gone to the station to give a statement about an assault that occurred earlier in the day. As th...
  • US LEC Interstate Billing Settlement
    Qwest Communications filed a lawsuit against the other telecommunications provider regarding intrastate and interstate access charges. The lawsuit claimed US LEC violated billing practices. Under the terms of the settlement, US LEC has agreed to purchase a certain amount of services from Qwest and pay $3 million in damages. (Aug-14-06) [ LOCAL TECH W...
  • Katherine Louise Schoeffler Hansen Will Dispute Settlement
    On November 8, 2003 Walter Sengenberger was on his death bed when he allegedly insisted his childhood friend write a will for him. Former Mayor Frank Duci obeyed and wrote a short will on a blank shopping list taken from his wife's purse. 84-year-old Sengenberger signed with an X. After Sengenberger's death, Hanson surfaces as an heir and took Duci to c...
  • MLB Advanced Media and Steiner Sports Memorabilia, Inc. email promotion Settlement
    The city of New York filed a lawsuit against the companies alleging deceptive e-mail promotions. MLB and Steiner emailed thousands of fans regarding discounted collectibles and memorabilia. The lawsuit claimed these promotions were misleading and deceived customers. MLB and Steiner have agreed to pay the city a $232,000 settlement for deceptive advertis...
  • AGE Refining Inc. HUBZone Contract Settlement
    The United States Department of Justice filed a lawsuit against the company for falsely certifying that it was in compliance with the provisions of the Historically Underutilized Business Zone Act of 1997. The program provides federal contracting preferences to small businesses and is administered by the U.S. Small Business Administration. AGE Refining...
  • Toyota Motor Corporation Female Employee Gender Harassment Settlement
    Sayaka Kobayashi worked as an assistant to Hideaki Otaka, who served as president and chief executive of Toyota Motor North America. Kobayashi filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against the top executive claiming he made repeated unwanted sexual advances. She claimed Otaka arranged travel and office schedules so that they would be alone together, require...
  • Frank Murphy, the Anchorage Archdiocese, the Boston Archdiocese and the Missionary Society of Saint James the Apostle Priest Abuse Settlement
    Five men filed a lawsuit against the former Anchorage Catholic priest claiming he sexually abused them as minors more than two decades ago. Murphy came to Anchorage in the 1960s, but left in 1985 as the archdiocese learned the police were investigating him for sexual misconduct. The suit was filed against, Frank Murphy, the Anchorage Archdiocese, the Bo...
  • Martha Stewart Civil Insider Trading Settlement
    The Securities and Exchange Commission filed civil insider trading charges against the queen of stylish living related to the sale of ImClone Systems Inc. stock in December 2001. Stewart allegedly sold her ImClone shares the day before the FDA announced it had declined to review ImClone's application for its cancer drug Erbitux; the stock fell 16% in th...
  • Wal-Mart and Walgreens AbEnergizer Settlement
    The two massive retail stores have agreed to pay a combined $650,000 settlement for selling an illegal product. The AbEnergizer Abdominal Muscle Stimulator is not approved by the US Food and Drug Administration; it is misbranded and therefore illegal. The medical device claimed to stimulate stomach muscles with an electrical current. Wal-Mart and Walgre...
  • National Consumer Council, Debt Management Foundation Services, and Better Budget Financial Services Settlement
    The three debt consolidation companies have been ordered to pay the federal government a $6 million settlement for misguiding consumers about their financial needs. The companies charged customers penalty payments and high interest instead of helping them pay down debt. (Mar-31-05) [ PHOENIX BUSINESS JOURNAL ] [ SETTLEMENT INFO ] Legal He...
  • Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. BuSpar Antitrust Settlement
    The state of Louisiana filed an antitrust case in New York alleging that Bristol-Myers Squibb engaged in fraudulent conduct and conspired to maintain a monopoly over the sale of BuSpar. The prescription medication company allegedly blocked generic versions of the anti-anxiety drug from entering the market. Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. denied any wrongdoing,...
  • Cape Forklift Services and Sales CC Personal Injury Settlement
    On February 27, 2001 Jean Paul Ricketts was a passenger in an Isuzu truck and combination trailer when it drove over an embankment onto a rugby field. Ricketts sustained injuries to his head, neck, legs and mouth and was unconscious for weeks after the accident. The 29-year-old motor mechanic filed a personal injury lawsuit against Norman Grey, the owne...
  • Ohio State University Medical Center Medical Malpractice Brain Damage Settlement
    At the age of 24, Kerri Swain was admitted to the hospital and was recovering from Guillain-Barre Syndrome, a disorder in which the immune system attacks nerves outside the brain and spinal cord. While in the hospital's care, Swain's brain was damaged; her parents accused her doctors of ignoring signs of respiratory arrest, which cut off oxygen to her b...
  • RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd. Securities Fraud Settlement
    RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd. (RenRe) was being investigated by the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York for restating three years of earnings from 2001 to 2003, particularly transactions with reinsurer Inter-Ocean Holdings Inc., which failed to meet accounting standards. RenRe is still under investigation, initiated by its shareholders. Th...
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