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  • Brite Lite Electrical Co. Employee Wrongful Death Settlement
    On November 24, 2002 Dennis O'Neil was stringing holiday lights from a cherry picker truck. O'Neil was nearly 70 feet in the air when the truck fell over. The 38-year-old was pronounced dead at the scene. O'Neil worked for Brite Lite Electrical Co. who had been contracted by the city of Waltham to install the lights. O'Neil's wife filed a wrongful death...
  • Maxwell Manor elder abuse Settlement
    Abuse and neglect was so extensive at a south side Maxwell Manor nursing home, two former employees dubbed it "the house of death, terror and filth." The accusations include sexual assaults, medication abuse, rat infestation and drug dealing. The nursing home settled for $1.9 million. Federal and Illinois state prosecutors joined the suit in 2000 and said...
  • Kentucky Fried Chicken injury Settlement
    KFC reaches settlement with injured boy's family. The family of a youth who suffered a serious head injury when he fell through the roof of a Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant has reached a $1.2 million dollar settlement. (Nov-09-04) [ GLOBE AND MAIL ] Legal Help If you have a similar problem and would like to be contacted by a lawyer at no...
  • ViroPharma Inc. securities Settlement
    ViroPharma Inc. announced that the US District Court of Pennsylvania has issued an order granting final approval of a settlement of the In Re ViroPharma Incorporated securities litigation. The settlement calls for a payment of $9.0 million by the Company's insurance carrier. ViroPharma has denied and continues to deny any and all allegations of wrongdoing...
  • Wi-LAN Inc. Agreement Breach Settlement
    The Calgary-based telecom technology company will pay $1.8 million by April 30, 2006 in fulfillment of the obligations it breached under an agreement with Technology Partnerships Canada. The announcement was prompted by Wi-LAN's decision to restructure its business, including the acquisition of Ensemble Communications, based in La Jolla, California. ...
  • Utah Power Overcharge Settlement
    Utah Power, which provided electric utility to over 722,000 customers in Utah, has settled a lawsuit contending it overcharged its customers between 1999 and 2004. A Securities and Exchange Commission audit revealed that Utah Industrial Energy Consumers and MidAmerican Energy Holdings Co. collected higher electricity rates than necessary to pay income t...
  • Newfoundland and Labrador Government Pay Equity Settlement
    In 1991, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that the province of Newfoundland and Labrador had a pay package in place that was discriminatory toward those in female dominated job classes. However, the Court found the discriminatory practice was justified given the province's weak financial position at the time. The province has now recovered from it...
  • AGA Medical Corp. Patent Infringement Settlement
    NMT Medical Inc. filed a patent infringement lawsuit against AGA in 1999 regarding Amplatzer devices used to repair structural heart defects. The patent dispute alleged potential infringement by all of AGA's occluding devices including the Septal Occluder, PFO Occluder, Duct Occluder and VSD Occluders. AGA Medical has reached agreement with NMT Medical...
  • Monongalia General Hospital Cerebral Palsy Birth Settlement
    In 1997, complications arose during Ms. Pochron's labor at the general hospital. Her obstetrician, Louise Van Riper, allegedly neglected to perform an emergency C-section. Baby Marissa was deprived of oxygen and she suffered severe brain damage. The Porchron family filed a lawsuit against the hospital alleging medical malpractice after Marissa was abandon...
  • Rolling Hills Memorial Park Personal Injury Knee Replacement Settlement
    In May 2004, Billie Thomas was visiting his wife's grave at the memorial park when he accidentally tripped on a sprinkler head. The 82-year-old man severally injured his knee and required a total knee replacement. He had post surgery complications and continues to suffer mobility problems. Thomas filed a personal injury lawsuit against the memorial park...
  • City of Philadelphia, Tabor Children's Services and Defender Association of Philadelphia Caregiver HIV Assault Settlement
    In August 1999, an 8-year-old girl was placed in the care of her half sister's father. John Lyles was a convicted bank robber who had previously been charged with physically assaulting a stepson. Seven months after the girl had been living with Lyles, his girlfriend pressed rape charges against him. After the little girl was removed from the home, she c...
  • GlaxoSmithKline Paxil Monopoly Settlement
    The New York Attorney General filed a lawsuit against the drug manufacturer on behalf of 49 states for allegedly creating a monopoly of its anti-depressant drug Paxil. Glaxo allegedly used frivolous patent infringement lawsuits against generic producers of Paxil to keep the drug's cost higher than necessary. By holding a monopoly for a popular drug, con...
  • Wayne County Wrongful Imprisonment Settlement
    Michelle Jackson was a Murray Wright High School junior. In October 1984 she was raped and strangled to death on the way to school. At that same time, Eddie Joe Lloyd was a patient at the Detroit Psychiatric Institute in Herman Kiefer Hospital. Lloyd was convicted of murder and sentenced to prison. He spent 17 years in jail before DNA evidence exonera...
  • New York City Staten Island Ferry Crash Personal Injury Settlement
    On October 15, 2003 the Staten Island ferry crashed into a dock on Staten Island after pilot Richard Smith lost consciousness at the controls. Eleven people were killed and dozens of others were injured. Paul Esposito lost both of his legs in the catastrophic accident. He filed a personal injury maritime lawsuit against the city and was awarded an $8.9...
  • Maricopa County Restraint Chair Wrongful Death Settlement
    In 2002, Charles Agster III was forced by detention officers into a restraint chair. He died three days later. A medical examiner later concluded that Agster died from complications related to methamphetamine intoxication. His family filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Maricopa County, Sheriff Joe Arpaio and jailhouse nurses claiming they were neglig...
  • City of San Diego Chargers Disability Revenue Settlement
    The San Diego NFL Football team filed charges against the city regarding revenues lost over the past three years after Qualcomm Stadium was reconfigured to meet federal rules for accommodating disabled fans. The Chargers lost money in ticket sales, concession and merchandising for modifications made to the stadium to comply with the Americans with Disab...
  • Time Inc. Magazine Renewal Settlement
    Nearly two dozen states were investigating the Time Magazine publisher for deceptively marketing and billing consumers for subscription renewals. Instead of giving readers the option to renew their subscription when it was about to expire, Time required readers to cancel their subscription if they no longer wanted it. Between 1998 and May 2004, Time bi...
  • John Michael Armitage Attorney Wrongful Death Settlement
    In 1986 the 41-year-old business man shot Knoxville attorney Ray Campbell Jr. after he saw Campbell walking with Armitage's estranged wife. Campbell jumped over a railing on the porch and Armitage ran after him. Campbell was shot and lay in the back yard, where he bled to death. Armitage was convicted of second-degree murder; he spent 15 years in prison...
  • Cork University Hospital Brain Injury Medical Malpractice Settlement
    Darragh Crowley was born in 1998 with a brain malformation. Four days after his birth, doctors performed corrective surgery and he subsequently developed as normal healthy infant. In September 2000, Darragh became ill again and was admitted to Cork University Hospital. He underwent surgery to repair the shunt previously inserted into his brain, but sust...
  • Commercial Coating Services Employee Racial Abuse Settlement
    Charles Hickman had only worked for the pipe company in Conroe for seven months and was the only black employee. He claimed his white co-workers and supervisor started making racial taunts as soon as he was hired. One day in 2002, some of his co-workers allegedly subjected him to racial epithets and choked him with a noose; he lost consciousness and he...
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